Wednesday, October 8, 2008

delayed but prudent...since I was dreaming of it!

ok, so Ethiopian Airlines is not in fact my favorite airline any longer. I wasn't going to mention it...but just woke up after vividly remembering the flight home...

so without graphic exactly do bugs, lots of bugs, ok...cockroaches (lots of them) get on a plane? (I know, luggage, but seriously?!) And how do I always (and yes I'm comfortable using the very overgeneralized always) end up next to the guy with raging TB? (just kidding Mom. It wasn't TB, and no I'm not coughing and my screen was negative...and the bugs weren't that bad. Actually Mom, forget everything you just read and remember I love what I do.) but really, bad cough...seemed really hot...thin...hello?!

So did I mention I was glad to be home, well at a minimum not on a plane on my way home?