Saturday, October 13, 2007

Beer Run

Dear Luci and M,

So by Tuesday night we were ready for a couple of beers. I got directions from Shelia, the medical director at St. Francis. Mother of 6 ranging in age from 15 to 2 (the last one she delivered herself because her labor progressed faster than she thought it would!), great kids, great family. Really wonderful to be around. Here are the directions:

Turn right towards Mozambique.
Go over 2 speed humps and then after about a kilometer you will see a Ministry building on your right.
Just past that on the left there is a really big pile of sand.
Hidden just behind the sand is Patrick's place. He sells beer.

So we went the wrong way. Best quote of the week was Miguel pulling over after we had gone a good 1/2 hour towards Malawi. The guys came over to the car, we all did the local greeting and then Miguel says..."Which way to Mozambique". We never did find the beer place that night, but we did have a great dinner at Malo Gardens. And Cara couldn't resist the lady selling produce because she had a baby with her so we got a really big bag of onions to boot!

It was a lot easier during the day light the next day so Wednesday was beer and card night. Cara made spaghetti. Of course we didn't have enough things to eat on or with so we emptied the butter holder that had the kids Lego's in it and washed it out for an extra plate and I got the lid to the pot. Spaghetti with a spoon is tough, especially since I'm not allowed to cut it since my Grandmother told us it was bad luck. But we had a blast! After three days of chart reviews and 100's of patients and the heat; beer, cards and pasta in a pot lid felt just like home.

More pictures soon.


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