Thursday, June 12, 2008

February must mean Rwanda...again.

Hey Luci and M,

So as you know, February and March found me back in Rwanda. This time out in the west. We are supporting the sites in Nyamasheke District right on Lake Kivu bordering Eastern Congo.

There was an earthquake, a big one; 6.0 or so, right before I got there and the aftershocks were indeed interesting. Not being there for the real thing, I found the tremors the weeks I was there plenty to get the idea.

Unfortunately, there was a lot of damage. Western Rwanda gets fairly chilly at night up in the hills, even in their summer time. People, and the hospital, were living and operating out of tents.

The IHV house, aka "Chez Marik" since she has been our only full time team member living in Rwanda is nicely situated overlooking the lake. It was a great place to unwind after full days in the clinics and hospitals. That's Bucavu, Congo off to the left. My visit there is another pictures from that one but walking across the border and making my way through town to meet up with Marik where she was reviewing a hospital was....interesting.

And this is the town of Kemembe were we are based out there.

And that was pretty much it till March. When I came home for a week before heading back to Zambia.

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